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Tortilla issues #1, 2, 3 are out of print. There are no plans at the moment to reprint them.
Tortilla #7
I’m now referring to this book as “the comic book that didn’t want to get made!” as I went through loads of bullsh*t to get this issue completed. From a life threatening medical emergency to losing original art and all sorts of other frustrating crap…ugh. I don’t even want to recount the rest here. It’s all explained on the inside cover. Still, after all of that this is unquestionably my best comic book yet! As for the contents, I managed to expand this issue to 32 pages and I plan to make future issues the same length. There are three (3) stories in this issue that run the gamut from whimsical to funny to heart breaking. (sample page below) Digest size with color card stock cover, b&w interior 32 pages. ($5 ppd).
Tortilla #4
Also known as the "Surfy/Skatey" issue. Yes, there's a couple of tales of surfing and skateboarding in here but also a story about how I inadvertently met a TV star when I was a kid and another story about the mysteries of Gold Cars. (sample page below) Digest size, card stock cover, 24 pages. $5.00 ppd.
Tortilla #5
The “Funny Issue” as I’ve been calling this one with a color cover and B&W pages. Featuring four stories from dealing with a neighborhood bully to looking at what Jesus’ teen years may have been like, plus a couple other stories. I had a ball doing this one. (sample page below) Digest size with color card stock cover. b&w interior. 24 pages. $5.00 (ppd).
Tortilla #6
In this issue there is plenty of punk rock oriented stories from my past such as riding in vans with a punk band I was in and my “questionable musical taste” to traversing a rainstorm to obtain a Clash album and other nifty little stories from that bygone era. (sample page below) Digest size with color card stock cover, b&w interior. 28 pages. $5.00 (ppd).
The (surprisingly) popular wordless book that was my tribute to the great New Yorker Magazine illustrator, Istvan Banyai and his wordless works of art, Zoom and Re-Zoom. The entire story behind this project is in the inside, front cover. (sample page below) Digest size, card stock cover, 24 pages. $5.00 ppd.
Los Punkers
Drawn several years ago at one of those 24 hour Comic Book events where you show up at a comic book shop and have 24 hours to write, pencil and ink an entire 24 page comic book (minus the cover). You were not allowed to have any pre-written work with you, so I was at a loss on what to draw but managed to figure something out and complete the project in around 22 hours...I swear I'll never do that again. The story in this book takes place in the late 1970's when I was still in high school. My buddy and I decided to start a punk band which where we lived and the given time frame was practically unheard of...though that never stopped us from doing crazy stuff before, so... The bottom line of this story has to do with timing...and our timing was off by a few years. (sample page below) Digest size, card stock cover, 24 pages. $5.00 ppd.